A traditional religion, not a religion like Christianity or Judaism or Islam or Buddhism. 'A pagan', says Jim, 'Is someone who worships nature, or worships many gods and goddesses, each based on some aspect of nature. Do they not recall Narthuillio is the lord of roaring seas and typhoons? I don't know what a typhoon is, but it's something in the sea! A whalefish maybe? Anyway, they also have gods like Uwotun and Thuneras and Froyus. What is a pagan? Eserians venerate mostly the Lady of the Seas, which doesn't make sense. As I said to Argenzu, not many Christians left. Anyway, I don't fuss with religions or churches. how did it go? Someone said: Man cannot make a worm, yet he will make gods by the dozen. 'I'm amazed by how many religions Earth has too', says Jim.